— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A real story from the life of Peter's intellectuals. A married couple

after a joint residence period of fifteen years, when both

When I was about forty, I suddenly felt romantic.

Sexual pleasures are no longer the same, and the rust of usuality is digesting.

exciting moments of intimacy. A decision was made at the family council.

diversify and refresh this side of life. Moving to the left and

Swingers were intelligently discarded, and the preference was

Role playing games. After a rough discussion, we stopped.

and Superman. Wife shirted for the protagonist of the elegant Superman

a coat of painted in the corresponding colour of the old curtain,

It is a logo for this hero. The story should have been

The wife, as a victim of abstract villains, is tired in the expectation of her own life.

attached to a chair. It is completely naked. here on stage.

Superman breaks down in his super-coat, under which, in fact, also

There is nothing but the most important superman weapon. Superman is Saving

hostage, and they, not leaving the box, surrender to love comforts,

Now filled with entirely new content.

At first, everything went according to the approved scenario. Wife

separated, and her husband graciously attached her to the chair with a strong linen cord,

Expecting, probably, that the unfolding of strong nodes will force him to

Burn even more. Leaving the prisoner in the room, he went to

A corridor for the beginning of the final and triumphal appearance. Naked and

When he was dressed in his coat, he felt the growth of a superman.

and out. And then he shaded the idea that it would be much more stylish for Superman.

Not to fall into the room on your two, but to run in. For this purpose he decided

attach a rope to the door. Suitable thickness

The rope was rolled somewhere in the depths of the antresols, where our Superman and the minerals,

Making up a pyramid of a chair and a kitchen table. And here, in the very

the responsible moment, when his fingers already touched the desirable rope,

The small structure under his feet collapsed, and he was from the height of two.

meters whispered on the Spanish cafeteria with all his superman centurion, and

The head too. And turned off in the posture of chicken, crushed.

The asphalt layer.

The woman, hearing a loud sound from the corridor followed by silence, deprived

opportunity to look into this corridor and felt that the pause

delayed in violation of the script, began slowly calling her husband. Minutes to

After fifteen she decided to raise the decibels, and after forty she was already oring.

With a good mother, fully entering the role: “Save!!! Please help!! through

For a while, screams were heard by vigilant neighbors. failed

When they tried to break a reliable iron door into the apartment, they called

The firefighters. The calculation arrived quickly and the most active firefighter, the first

The person who entered the apartment through the window was rewarded with an unforgettable

the spectacle of a crying naked aunt tied in the middle of the room to a chair, and

The unconscious body in a superman's coat compressing a moth in his hands.

The rope.

After that, they did not play in role-playing games and preferred more.

The missionary position.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna