— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And how do you think this is paid in Europe and the United States? And how much, admit to yourself, your studies in science would be in demand abroad?
1) A few of my friends have just left abroad (and those who do science - and, by the way, people of creative professions). So, this is paid there incomparably higher: so that you can live, not exist. You’re probably very far from that if you think it’s the same.)
I have thoughts about leaving, too. With a great desire, it is quite real. But – you can’t believe it and maybe it sounds funny – I love my country and my city, I’m afraid that I’ll be tormented by nostalgia.
It is not specifically my studies in science that are paid extremely low, but my studies in science in Russia in general. Again - ask how much a docent and a candidate of sciences earn on average. The state of science and education indicates that everything is sad in the country.
The connection between the education of the younger generation (I am not only about the desire to read, by the way, I wrote - about ignorance in general, low level of knowledge) and the decline in the quality of education / problems with receiving it - in my opinion, direct. By the way, I not only mentioned the closure of the budget magistrates, but also other points.
3) Oh, the difference is precisely that somewhere a person can postpone his/her life for old age (and worthy), and somewhere he can survive it at best.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna