— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XHH: Sometimes the hell dragged me to re-read the old book of Bremen, namely the book about insects. A lot of joy has already been delivered by the content, where all kinds of creatures are listed: a German sucking multi-foot, a square carapuzik, a topper-notopyr and others.
The main text was also not pushed. It is good in style and content. I’ll give you two murderous quotes:
1st Some chopsticks, having caught the acne, immediately swallow it whole. But the snake-like fish does not lose the presence of the spirit in such a disaster and after a few minutes appears again in the light of God, slipping out of the rectal hole, thus breaking through the entire intestinal canal. Having noticed such an unexpected new prey, the captive again swallows the straw, but with the same success.

Tagged with: anal acrobat
Have you heard the Viagra song "Try Number Five"? There are five attempts, one fish.

HHH: I will be happy with you. 2nd Aphodius is widespread throughout the world, mainly in the temperate and cold countries of Europe. In a warm summer evening, they fly over the ground around rubbish and rubbish heaps. These are very sharp fun creatures that lay eggs straight into the hive and therefore have more leisure.

It was a control shot in the head.
Wauu: bianks and spiders rest from such a natural description)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna