— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The heavy people...

A friend Sergei, who lived in Germany for twenty years, told about the women there:
I lived with a French woman, lived with an Italian woman, lived in Poland, and in general, was married.
I had Swedes and English women and even a Japanese woman, but with the Germans themselves it didn’t work out, there wasn’t one, very much they, like to say, were not Russians...
The heavy people.
Although, lying, one day I still tried, had a romance with a German, I did not like it, it was enough for me exactly for two days.
The case was this:
We met on someone’s birthday. Her name was Emma.
We talked a little, liked each other and ran out of the noise together, went for a walk around the city, and the next evening Emma suggested:
“Serie, we have so many common interests that we could try to live together.
I didn’t mind and found myself in her bed that night.
The night went great.
At six o’clock in the morning, she shook me and said:
The series! The series! Rise up! Come on, you have to go.
I don’t know why I’m going to break up so early. And I say:
“Emma, my dear, where do you hurry? You can sleep a few more hours, today is Sunday, and you can’t go to work.
She made an official face and said:
“No, I don’t have to go to work, but I have a lot of homework and I want to be alone. If you don’t get up within five minutes and leave my apartment, I’ll call the police.
It hit me like the current. Naturally – I jumped, in forty seconds I dressed up and rushed to the door, Emma went to accompany me, and on the threshold and says:
Serry, at what time will you be waiting tonight? I make a delicious cabbage soup.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna