— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Maxim: and you are from where?
From St. Petersburg! I live in Moscow and study here. You are from where?
Also from Moscow. Where do you live in Moscow?
Ilana: Yes
Where in Moscow?
Ilana: Yes
Where in Moscow?
Tagged with: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Where is Moscow?
Ilana: What the record went on
Where do you live in Moscow?
Ilana: I understood
Maxim: Thank God
I am with my sister.
Maxim: Let’s try again. Where in Moscow do you live?
I am just sleepy for a long time
Okay, I will ask differently. In which district of Moscow do you live?
I live in the house of my sister.
In which district of Moscow do you live?
Ilana: Aaaah clear
not far away
Maxim: Not far from what?
Ilana: From Moscow

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna