— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They decided to joke about a colleague (both zodiac twins). In Excel, they recorded a macro on the combination of ctrl + c keys - pops up an inscription with a call to go to the boss, immediately.
We sit and wait for a friend to find this inscription... half a day has passed...
Andrei hasn’t used Ctrl+C yet.
He had to come up with a macro on the Explorer (unfortunately not). I would have discovered it much earlier.)
-Can set a threshold for him to remember the often clicked keys...or can give him macros on all the combinations of ctrl keys and all the letters of the alphabet... whatever comes out)
Let him stick through each double click of the mouse. Or not... by clicking the inter-screen will be turned 180 degrees, the mouse will be attached to the foot of the chair, will move away, the mouse will run away from it at a crazy speed. You can rename all the folders...he’ll go and look for what he needs.
Hitler was also a twin. Probably only wanted the budget fund to increase and engaged...))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna