— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XHH: They studied various tests in psychology, and tested on themselves for example. And there was, among other things, the task of illustrating the picture - a wave in a square. Well, give up, the predecessor checks, comments. And then he hangs, intentionally, looks at the sheet, thinks, looks again, eventually asks the drawer to explain what it is, and then said that this is not suitable for any classification.
Guess whose letter it was?
Wow, I guess, so what did you picture there?
Okay, I look at the wave somehow, and I did the first thing that came to my mind - the oscillograph.

Such a test checks the adequacy of the response. Oscillograph is a normal answer. This is like an anecdote:
He squeezes and squeezes: What is this?
- This is a three-pointed room, in each ygly it is worth kpovati, on each kpovati tpavati.
What is it "What is it"?
- This is a four-pointed room, in each ygly it is worth kpovati, on each kpovati tpovati. What is it "What is it"?
You are a kind of sex maniac!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna