— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the entrance to the entrance, he stopped and was attacked by an important lady, who, whitened by rage and whispering on the whole Grain Street, shouted, "How dare you smoke here?"

I was alarmed by the appeal to "you" and I asked very politely where she came from.

"I live here and I will not tolerate that different people smoke here", the lady replied and began to mourn further.

I humbly asked in which apartment they live, because something I do not remember her, although I also live here, for a long time.

The lady said, “Remove me from here, bomz.”

Here I experienced a cognitive dissonance, took out the key and went into the entrance. The lady rushed after me with a scream – "Don’t shut up, shit!!and "

I said that I could not let strangers into the entrance and I closed the door.
While I was waiting for the elevator, she was still in it.

Yes, I am tough.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna