— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The aim of sanctions against the United States is to block their way into space.
The people, the scientists and we, and they are normal guys who do useful things together. Our rockets have a lot of joint affairs with NASA, and such a political move can ruin everything.
Yes, America does not have its own carrier for human flight now, but it will soon be (several companies are doing it right now). But we will remain without orders, because our Soyuz and Proton missiles are the cheapest and most reliable means of removing satellites, and we are raising good money by launching NASA satellites.
Our device is on a Mars rover that is now crawling on Mars. Our missiles regularly launch NASA satellites. Those who are in the topic of space will not understand you easily.
Do you really want to break this collaboration that has been developing for years?

Even under the USSR during the Cold War there was the "Soyuz-Apollo" program. Politicians are politicians, but do not touch science.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna