— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here is a reference to my work:
xx.xx.xxxx was purchased there external HDD Western Digital (charge number xxxxxxx). Before the purchase long chosen on the site between Western Digital and Seagate, when he started to order directly there in the store, the manager first made a mistake and began to order Seagate blue, but in time remembered and said "No, blue..." and didn't have time to negotiate how the manager broke me and arranged "probably blue Western Digital"))

I was informed that we had a mutual understanding, as a result, the order was ordered in a couple of minutes, taking into account even my couple of questions about the characteristics of the product. I don't remember the name of the seller, the shorter he was very short cut, if it was a girl, I would have returned there in an hour to make an offer))))

I have a reference, will come back again)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna