— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It took for the demonstration of the mobile application to order Ar.drone - a flying toy that is controlled from tablets and phones. The entire office for two days could do nothing but search and discuss wireless toys. As a result, they found an inter-store and came to the management with an offer. I don’t think it’s necessary to say that the entire marketing department took about an hour to explain to the stunned boss what the device was and why it was needed. They wept for a long time, but eventually received a favor, gave one of the employees from another department the task of ordering a toy (I will add that he did not participate in the discussion and the agreements).
After a while we sit in the kitchen, discuss what happened, and here comes the same employee to whom we decide to tell how we agreed on the purchase.
In the middle of the story he interrupts us with words, after which no one was able to say anything: "This is all nonsense. You didn’t see the accountants’ eyes when they saw the "QVH" in the account!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna