— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the fairly well-known and authoritative German club ADAC released a rating of cheap cars. I will not hesitate to add this pearl to my hit-parade of stupid ratings.
The fact is that our Lada Kalina participates in the rating. Which, of course, is the worst of all. Even worse than the Romanian version of Logan. Everyone knows that.
But the frescoes need to be somehow clearly reflected in the rating. And their rating is a simple sum of points from 0 to 5 on several private indicators (safety, comfort, price, environmentality, etc.). They put the worst points wherever they could. But on two parameters, the technique pumped - for capacity and price, Lade had to put the highest points. After all, their German readers are not entirely fools, they are able to see that Lada is larger than any Western microliter for that money. Anyone can look at the price anywhere. And so it turned out that Lada got 15 points in the sum, which is no worse than the same Matisse and Panda.
How to be? The descendants of Goebbels were not confused. They simply took and arbitrarily removed from the final rating of Lada 5 points to get 10. Much worse than any other brand. After all, no one will sit with a calculator and check the tablet.
And in the event that there is such a tough - put a slope - it is said, for poor safety. But you have already taken this into account and put "0" in the table for this parameter...?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna