— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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All of this:

This smart man:
here here :
This is:

“It wasn’t about genetic differences, it was about deeds. Yes, sucking standing or sitting - for society it is almost indifferent, so it is not counted.

Yes... Yes Yes Yes! Let’s write again about the huge queues in public women’s toilets, and discuss their significance for society.
What is wrong? We have equality, dear feminine. The number of seats is the same. And the fact that we can add more pissuars shouldn’t fuck you. They do not matter to you.
Equality is when the same number of pissuars hangs in a woman’s toilet. First, I know a couple of ladies who, strangely enough, treat them wonderfully, and secondly, there are special devices for women so that they can write standing in a psisuar. So that...


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