— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Takc : Yes! This is another question! And what if you throw a crack into a black hole, but along, and over?
spoonisoutthere: whereas the length of the piece should tend to infinity divided by pi in square.
Takc: I fear that neither Pi in the square nor even Pi in the cube will be able to divide a good Soviet break!
__yankee__: Hmm... after the break, the spherical sergeant must be thrown out of the building.
At the end is Dembele. But then there is a high likelihood of measurement errors.
Azgar: Put the praporcher there.
__yankee__: An experiment with a praporchnik would bring science to new boundaries. But they (and the experiment, and the praporcher) threaten to collapse the universe.The equation of the Japanese Gealdman and the experiences of the mysteriously missing Gypsy professor Aynaneev partially confirm this.
Azgar: It is unclear whether the hole will dry up the buffalo or the buffalo will dry up the hole. Thus e. We have an uncertainty of the type infinity to infinity.
Or zero to zero?
__yankee__ : No-no, the zero uncertainty of anti-matter is attached to the warriors.
This is a fundamental law.

Colleague, let’s stop before the majestic mystery of the universe. Otherwise, our experimental praporchnik creeps a black hole. The end of the world was still missing right after the Day of Space!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna