— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will tell you my sad story. In school, I studied quite well, thanks to the love of reading, I wrote various dictates and generally appreciated and respected Russian language.
One day we went through phrases. The authors of the textbook believed that we should already have a certain stock of idioms, and therefore proposed to name phraseology on the picture and explain its meaning. There were eight paintings, there were eight people in one row, so the teacher said to do it in a row.
And here is my turn. In the picture in front of me is a horse, covered with apples on the neck. It is clear. "A horse in apples," I say, "I have a horse".
How many times can I repeat that phraséology is not interpreted in a direct sense! The teacher cried. A horse in apples is not a horse. You know, say the pigs in oranges, when a man, roughly speaking, has eaten? Here "the horse in the apples" is the same!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna