— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The graduate does not have the simplest household skills: how to cook food, sew a button, repair the socket, replace the pad in the crane, count how many wallpapers will be needed for the room, calculate the payment on the loan, etc. If parents did not care about this, the modern graduate turns out to be completely helpless in everyday life. Hence a lot of conflicts between young couples: boys complain that a girl can’t cook anything more difficult than an egg, and girls that their boys can’t turn the bulb. I remember what is equal to the sinus of thirty and a lot of other facts, which are now suitable only for solving crosswords, but the banal things had to be learned by myself. I am not offended, I was interested, but why not include in the school program for work, for example, the ability to assemble a socket or in the algebra program to calculate the mortgage rate?
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Most of the above and necessary in everyday life is quite intuitively understood, are there really people who need to learn to sew buttons or cook pelletry?

For almost everything, there is Google.

I personally, traveling with my future husband, for 2 months "pumped" from the ovaries to the borst leaves - and believe me, there is nothing difficult in this, and moreover - there is nothing that would need to be studied in school specifically.

p.s knowledge obtained in algebra, more than enough to independently make a calculation on the mortgage, and obtained on geometry - to calculate the desired number of wallpapers

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna