— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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here here :
Sorry that’s not funny, but:
From the news (in brief):
A child fell under the car. The driver’s guilt has not yet been proven.
and further gesture. Many relatives accuse the driver.
I am just surprised why many relatives"the child lives in a nursery??? to
It is ===
A boy in a child!Time from time!! His mother is driving. My mom often changes cars and the last thing I saw was the Range Rover Sport. Money in the mother's chickens do not chew, and this can be seen with the naked eye.
By the way, the boy is completely healthy and has no abnormalities. Learned well. His mother did not allow anyone to adopt him.
The reason why the boy lives in a nursery all his life - he interferes with his mother and her fellow resident at home.
Nor is it funny, yes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna