— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was necessary to take a couple of certificates from the accounting office and take it to another place, and I arrived during the lunch break and decided not to wait - the signed documents are in a separate folder on the table, you just look for a surname and take it. As they say, self-service. I go into the office and go to the table, while observing the accountants eating in the corner.
- "Man, we have lunch"
- "Friendly appetite", without turning my head I answer, already starting to browse the references.
- "Man, we have lunch!" repeats the voice.
- "Yes, I just take the documents"I answer by looking at the source of the noise. A woman of medium appearance with a questionable expression of the face looks expressively at me as she separates herself from the plate. The rest of the workers continued to eat.
"We have lunch!" is the second special. I slowly start to get angry, but I concentrate on the names and ask the first thing that comes to mind:
- "What is the case with lunch?"
I hear confident.
- "Of course!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna