— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The harsh 90s. My husband’s family, like many others, is trying to survive in some way.
The morning. The huge cat that lived with them is pulling something business around the kitchen. His mother stopped him: he noticed that he was pulling five sausages in his teeth. One is given to him, the rest is given to the family. A little later, the cat brought a dried fish. Where nobody knows. After careful inspection and recognition of its edible prey is also sent to the family table.
And then the cat began to pull the mandarines regularly. In addition, 2-3 pieces a day. I didn’t eat, I just played. Citrus was also taken, washed and given to children.
Later it was discovered that he went to his neighbors and robbed them. And the mandarins stood with them on the balcony in a box. So this striped marodier of two kilograms managed to get out of there before the neighbors suspected the wrong.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna