— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
Sild: here you encounter forums for different solutions
Sild: and immediately by decisions can be seen to which distribution the community belongs
Sild: in Ubuntu-like - try to reinstall, try to change the distribution version, try to update
Sild: in arc-like - dig into the collector, correct the configuration of the installer
Sild: in genus-like - link everything to the heroes, if something does not like the installer - we go into the installed file and rewrite the juinarnik with our hands, backup there new versions here we reassemble the core with the necessary flags we rewrite the originals compil compil compil compil compil
Sild: Well, in the redhead, we traditionally call to the saport and ask what the hunting happened, why does nothing work?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna