— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I see this picture on the playground: a young father walks out his son, who is 4 years old. Here, a cat approaches the small, and he shortly thinks of it with all his strength, the poor animal immediately retires.
The father approaches his child, does not scream, does not blaspheme, but sits in front of him and calmly says:
Are you big?
and yes.
The strong?
and yes.
- So big and strong that you can hit a small weak cat?
I’m bigger and stronger, but you know why I’m not hitting you? Because strength is needed to protect those who are weaker, understood? Not to beat the small and defenseless. The strong do not do that, you know?
I understood...
What did you understand?
You can’t beat the little ones, or you’ll never be strong.
The young man.
Respect and respect for such parents!

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