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My husband and I respect the feelings of believers, regardless of what religion they are, but were against our daughter in the 4th grade to study the basics of Orthodoxy. As almost the whole class, they wrote a statement on ethics - but there was no room for teachers in our classroom (everyone ranted on ethics), and parents at the next meeting quietly rewritten statements on Orthodoxy. We did not rewrite. It was wild. It felt like the iron arm of the dictatorship blocked the oxygen, there was a desire for a law to protect the rights of atheists. The child, for example, also attended the study of Orthodoxy behind the school party sharply negatively.
The school year is coming to an end. Some conclusions can be drawn. In the first quarter, the children really penetrated, something like... brain-like. But, having done compulsory homework, having done what they were supposed to do there, pulling up their personal stuff to the people (for the next lesson, make a list of your sins, and now write why the modern man should believe in God) - began to treat compulsory religiousness correctly: do not get into your soul, do not change your personality. Whoever had a faith - the beginnings of faith at this age - received an excellent vaccine.
In general, adequate children respond appropriately. Only a pity, our daughter with her analytical mind and beginning youthful maximalism has ceased to accept the theme of faith... It will be necessary to work somehow... We in the family respect the feelings of believers.

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