— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Well yes, I’m also thinking about what to do with almost a month of lovingly growing beard.
YYY: I don’t understand why the men are so upset?
XXX: How do you not understand?? to
XXX: The Boat
This is the only thing in this fucking world that was OUR.
XXX: And he was struck :)
YYY: I honestly don’t understand :)
We accepted that women can vote. Even working in male positions. Even though they are people too. Okay, let our smaller friends be delighted, maybe more delicious borst will cook. Then we reconciled with the borsche from supermarkets and semi-fabricates. Later, we accepted that they could wear jeans, sweat coats, and even fuck themselves and each other. Some of us, men, even like it. Maybe they’re lazy and can’t fuck anyone. Then we agreed that they took everything from us. Absolutely everything. Even the right to drive a car and work in a TAXI. Fuck him. We had the most sacred thing a man had, his scarf, which could have turned into a beard. This distinguished the most vanityful man from the most successful and strong woman. We stole our last jewelry. The last bastion has fallen, the world of men is rolling into tartaras. And most importantly, one of us betrayed us, even if unconventional.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna