— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Windows ended activation and he decided to do my ass, closed all access and left only the activation window and access to the innet to зарегиццо мона was. Gone with the yandex and immediately found the crackers, and under each zip-archive the author kindly wrote that they were type only for familiarization, crying for a long time. But Cheta Lenin was all of this to mock. A little by the way, he understood that the browsing machine from microsoft opens up exhibits and more generally everything in the world, launched an opera, vinamp, aska and everything that was desired. He then entered the path to the folder and it turned into a normal window. I found a desk, menu start. The only thing that is a little unusual is the absence of the panel below. Now I wonder if I need an activation :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna