— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Forum, discussion of the model of the car, then conversations on the topic of its use:

"The cooler the jeep, the longer to wash behind the tractor"
The Jeep is a type of car that will get stuck where no other car can get there.
Everyone thinks it’s not about him, but it’s a misconception.
So, in most cases of auto obstructivity, the matter is not in the passability of the car, but in the "preload" :music:

To all of the above, I can add the cruise phrases from Murphy’s Laws:

Principle of Auto
A car has to drive, a man has to think.

Law of Electoral Gravity
The object will fall in such a way as to cause the greatest damage.
The investigation of Clippstein
The most fragile detail.

Law of Field
You cannot fall from the floor.

Watson's Law
The reliability of the equipment is reverse proportional to the number and position of persons observing it.

Schmidt's Law
If you ruin the car long enough, it will break.

Axioma of Cana
If nothing else helps, read the instructions.

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