— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How do you print so fast?! to
In the early 2000s, on the old sleeping compass in the local computer club of the House of Creativity, I liked the game very much - on a black background in the green frame appeared a letter, you press it, the next appears. The fun was that the test was for time, with a record table. It fascinated me more than all the games combined (even more than Heroes 2). At that time, the computer was essentially sitting down for the first time and all I could do was move through the folders in the dosage, the windshield was for me a sleepy, incomprehensible forest. He did not know how to print, but he wanted to learn. With unintelligent eyes, I sat down and screwed this program until there was only my name left in the 100 rows of the record table. I stopped only when I could not beat my own score even on the 100th line. There are rumors that the door was specially removed afterwards. The other kids didn’t understand why they couldn’t see their glasses.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna