— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Intellectually immature hanches:

Menstruation in girls starts from 10-14 years old, unfortunately, not all parents descend to explain the subtle aspects of puberty to their children. The limited idiots, IMHO.
Malaria is caused by fungi of the genus Candide, living in ALL without exception human individuals on the mucous membranes in normal. Candidiasis as a disease occurs with a sharp decrease in immunity as a result of stress, disease, taking antibiotics, during pregnancy and before the onset of menstruation. The first three reasons apply equally to men. Yes, and don’t get crazy. This is not a STD, but a violation of the balance of the normal microflora of the body.
And in general, don’t make it on the humorous resource to mock, I’m tired of it. You just complain, no matter what.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna