— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:

I went to a big hypermarket. I go and look at the sides. Here I notice the department with toys, and there a bunch of different machines: collectors, on the control panel, small, large... in general, I take a step in their direction, but... in an instant I remember that I am 23 years old and sadly continue to go to the products, that would buy for myself what to do at work, to eat at lunch.

What a shit... I needed to buy a postcard for our anniversary at work. I have a good bookstore next to my house. I stand in a line at the box office and suddenly see that they sell kaleidoscopes, and I have loved them since I was a child. They are quite expensive, indeed, infection, but nothing that I don’t earn? I bought a small one and I am very happy with it now. I have an organiser at my desk, and my co-workers often ask me to give a choleydoscope to play. Yes, I am not a jade.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna