— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I watch films, I encounter Terminator 5, description, reviews, etc. The first post:

The year 2015. Go to zzz.xx and see the following:
The Terminator 6
The son of John Connor learns that the last bunch of harmful robots, begging that in the 20th century their couriers do not cope with the juvenile offspring of Sarah, on the last batteries chitovsky send the Terminator to the 18th century, in order to destroy the hero's pra-praded.
The broken son spits his starper there. The decisive battle begins again.
The Terminator appears near the dragon tractor, brutally crushes the hussar, takes away his uniform, a nested racer, a sable, a regimental drum and a tractor’s musket. In search of the goal, he is drawn into the Seven Years' War, actively participates in the siege of the Bastille but eventually dies under the ruins of Izmail from the hands of Potemkin (John Connor).
I look forward to!!!! to
Thanks to the author for the uplifting attitude, we look forward to such a screening)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna