— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A minute of humor with the Russian Post.
At work I have to carry a lot of different keys, and since I have Narnia in my bag, I decided to order a keyboard for Ali. I ordered, paid, waiting for packages in the snowed Tomsk (on the street February). Two weeks later, the track lights up at the Beijing airport, after which there is silence. On May 7, the app on the phone gladly informs me that my package is not somewhere, but in the glorious city of Novosibirsk (to Tomsk about 300 km). Previous experience suggests that somewhere in a week the package should reach me. And indeed, the app on the phone wakes up again in 10 days and joyfully tells me that my package is in a glorious city... Samara, 2584 km from Tomsk... Even a bit offensive that some keyboard travels more than me)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna