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It is naive:

The problem is that very rarely at the stage of choice potential wives behave as they begin after the wedding. They are two completely different people often.
Seeking to necessarily marry (for some, forgive me, hero) out of the skin to depict what a potential husband needs, not thinking that they will not marry her, but the one she depicts.
We do everything, yes.
By the way, on the "test drive" of the "living a couple of years together, and then signing up" also most ladies do not agree exactly from what they understand: so long comedy can not break. Consent does not always help.

Any more or less mentally healthy person has the desire to be good in his understanding and to have a positive reputation in significant people around him. Probably your girls are showing you. And the fact that they do not agree to a two-year test drive suggests that you are not so attractive to them to spend so much precious time on you without a guarantee of results. This doesn’t characterize your girls very well and makes you foolish as a person who repeatedly chooses such girls.
As I can see, you are not talking about feelings, you understand your ladies as a covet on articles and judge them selectively. Why are you so surprised by their cynicism?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna