— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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- We go to nature, catch Mika and we go tomorrow.
I can’t Mika.
It’s the first time I’ve heard that Mia doesn’t want nature.
He wants but cannot.
Is it how?
- In the hospital he is closed, a fracture of the lower jaw and a pair of ribs.
He fell from the motorcycle again.
This time it’s all about humor. Meanwhile, Mika is in the elevator. A boy and a girl standing on his back. Here this ballbus gets a mask like in the movie of Pila (who knows why he pulled her with him) and says he wants to play with them in one game. They turn and the elevator is stuck and the light is cut off. Who knew that these athletes were caratists, therefore, Mikha did not know. They then apologized heavily, but Mika had already lost his fucking sense of humor.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna