— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Smart:
to this:
This is:

I work with one of the banks. An official note:
"Given that I do not have an A3 printer, please provide me with a 24 diagonal monitor"
Fuck, they approved.
I sit and look and think... I don’t have an A0 plateau, maybe 27 inches to order.

Have you ever tried working with large format diagrams or tables? When periodically you just need to see the whole scheme, or track and check (!) in the table a long line, which in the normal scale does not fit entirely on the monitor, and when the scale decreases becomes unreadable from the monitor?

This, unfortunately, is not a fancy, but a severe necessity.

P.S In the design and broad-diagonal monitors do not save, and plotters A0, print the circuit on a rolled color plotting and crawl over it with loops and colored gel pins to highlight the finely needed lines.

I understand so to create electronic circuits and drawings learned, to zoom so never gotten out?
Read the above text, you will find about zoom.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna