— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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"Springers in the wool" is something else. I have a fourth size. And for my fourth size, I can't find a normal beetle without a beetle! No, they are there. But these are nightmarish models, goodbye to the youth of Belarus with an indispensable foolish batch in front, and only three colors: not very white, dirty beige and black. And sometimes they are triangular... These, I think, are made in the early 50s, and this is NOT a stylization.
Of the two evils, I choose the smaller one, the wicked one.
And those men who maliciously spy on the girls in the "Porrelone", I wish for the rest of my life when buying cowards to choose exclusively between erotic strings and swimsuits with the "Porrelone" insert. Wake up like that!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna