— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My 5 copies about raising children.
When I was very young (up to 2 years old), I was given the opportunity to fill my knots. Under my control =)))) I’m approaching the edge of the rebrick, I’m – “Be careful, look under your feet,” “No, the crown thinks.” I turned around, riddled. This is a classic women’s "no, I said!". Next time at "Be careful, the ladder!" looks under your feet. She touched a glass of hot tea, warning that it was hot. It turned out that it was really hot=) But then it was missing and I believed in the word. Gradually I realized that mother can be trusted and her words do not need verification. Tt, now in the rosettes not trying to climb and knows everything about foreign people who want to get away from their mother.
By the way, once was in the injury point.When just remained under the supervision of his grandmother, who blows dust from him. In a metre from her he crashed into the door. There was a suspicion of a crack in the skull and CT, it happened.
In general, in everything you need to know the measure=) All the world.
Not an admin, but there is a cat and... a scanner=)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna