— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the evening, I go to work through the park. On the sidewalk runs, on a long leash, a small dog walking a bug (well I can’t say otherwise). Rain has passed, a joyful puppy climbs to everyone to play with the nerds to wipe their wet legs. Someone is glittering, somebody is blasphemous, the grandmother blasphemous... and I pretend to go to the side so that the light pants are not washed again and the eleven-meter seamless is not pierced. Here the dog runs to the couple, looking like schoolchildren from the back, and the guy gives:
The FFUU!by 111
What the lungs, the throat, the voicelings and how they fit in such a whirlwind I can't imagine, but the sewing whispered and ran to the grandmother, after whispering literally ALL on the alley.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna