— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ]
Sorry, I could not stand:
It is....
He spent the night with his faithful, and she blows for the third day in a row for an unknown reason, small cages arranged - tired to itching in the brain. I get up in the morning, in general, cooking, and she turns around the circle and says:
Fried potatoes for breakfast are harmful foods, the first meal should not be heavy.
“Dear, but your first meal was delicious, sweet and nutritious.
...??? to
What else can be the brains?

We won’t talk the second day.
It is....

Bro, go fuck this stupid chicken without hinting on the chicken. I also had this in my youth, changed to normal - eighth year I am happy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna