— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About drug addiction and other addictions is just to argue. Have you ever been in a real drug outlet? Do you have friends? The narcotics? What, I mean all kinds of drugs: from harmless herbs to self-inflaming heroin substitutes? I, unfortunately, can answer both questions many times "yes".

I heard, I had neighbors dealers, to whom your brother tabun went (we looked at all types of moral decline of narcissists), there was a neighbor addict, in short, you got it already. What I can say: you are similar to people purely remotely, with rare exceptions, if some are still externally similar to people, then the eyes are shown immediately. And also most of them have swollen veins, an upset look, poor coordination of movements, some have a constant sneezing of the nose, and the dealers of this shit have a frankly cowardly look, especially when they make a sneezing. And how you look after taking this poison inside are generally episodes from the life of insects. In general, if someone tells you that you are normal, it’s only out of pity. These people are dependent on themselves. No addict sees the difference between a narcissist and a non-consumer, as it turned out during life next to the priton.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna