— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Who is smarter?
It has long been understood that the controversy about the comparative analysis of the cat and dog mind is meaningless by definition. It’s like arguing about the male and female minds. We seem to know better about cars and raise more money – and as a result, they paint their nails while we repair their cars purchased for our money. Find out who is smarter. There are some sad thoughts about this, but I chase them away from myself.
Plus, the results of four-legged observations are strongly dependent on the observer. But there are sometimes absolute results. I am not in favor of dogs, let the cat haters forgive me.
A couple of years ago, the neighbor’s dog began 120 minutes of anger. That is to say, imagine... a summer, a village, a bustle, an afternoon dream... and suddenly a wild, unceasing laughter... to a whistle, to hysteria, with sublimation and almost a human matte... and so for two hours without a break. every day. Finally, I can’t stand the prush to the neighbor.
Good day!
to you!
and yours! Let me tell you why the animal is tyrannized? Shooting ammunition is bad?
I enter the stone.
The Conor. The chain. Stretching the chain to the state of the string, almost suffocating himself with a collar in hysteria beats the neighboring Alma-three-year-old German fool. At a distance of 20 cm from the point of the maximum spread of its saliva, the thick red cat demonstrately lickes its causals. Attention to the dog.
We are silent. Nothing to say.
Why don’t you chase that trap?
Are you chasing? I rushed to run after him. He comes back in 5 minutes.
Remove the dog from the rope.
Do not need. There is a bulmastype behind the fence. She’s almost right to him. Where are the fruits of love?
Yes is. And this will not go. I know him. He beat my cat’s mouth once a week. He enters the house through the fortress and now Monya wander. Keep the calendar on it. and punctual.
Do not speak.
The weather has an idea.
Tomorrow I will try.
and no-no
In the morning I came to the neighbor for another cat’s visit and we extended the meter chain by two. Then we went to drink tea on the veranda. The cat arrived late. We are frozen.
As soon as the happy Alma crossed the promised line, his indifference fled from the cat. With a striking stroke, the red cattle from the spot drove 5 meters to the side, pulling his ass out of his fist for a moment before a click.
We wept disappointed on the veranda. Alma looked older for five years.I had never seen such sorrow on the face of a dog before or after.
Two days passed without a concert.
On the third, everything repeated two meters further. Half a meter for every case. Mathematics and dressing.
I had to catch that nest at home. During the next execution of the tuffyak, Moni-ry got caught up and I managed to seize the fortress. Just a couple of hours and a broken house and a breeding cattle curl in my hands.
Without paying attention to the wrath and curse, I packed the wretch into a bag and carried him out for washing 30 kilometers away from us. I released there.
He returned badly after two weeks and was very weak. Honore also relaxed on the road. The clue was understood more over the dogs he did not mock. Even from my cat he stood behind, although the coward of Monia, when he saw the red, swelled like a ball and walked with a wool of oak for two hours. All this with the outputting of the eyes and uterine sublimation. The luzer.
In the winter, in the fierce frosts, I even let him in the basement to warm up and stay overnight.
Thanks for attention.

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