— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am sitting in Sb. in the account. The last couple, everyone wants to go home. He is already listening to half his ear. The phone is on, and the papers are drawn. And here I think: a great time to write off! I get a shovel. I start to slide, falling to the floor. Prep: "Take off the sponge, young man!" I throw it out in the urn. I got the second one, I got it! Prep: "Stop writing!" And another one is flying into the urna. I get a phone. I sit and write. Unnoticedly he stepped up and said, "Young man, I am amazed by your stubbornness!" I think everything, now will drive out! "Let’s take a look, you have 3"...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna