— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I live in Siberia. I work in a gold mining factory. Yesterday after work - walked around the surrounding swamps, saved from the brutal murder of the burunduk. I don't know what the dogs would have done to him, Naida was just running around, and Ryzhik (the father of the family) immediately grabbed him in the fist... like a buckle from the fist I didn't think, but I managed to jump into a small pit. The dog ran away and took it. When I was in a large land, I wanted to buy this animal. The question is how to bring him to work. In general, you can only carry what is permitted, and this list is very short. There is tea and coffee on this list. Several times, a superficial look and missed. And I just have a 250g iron coffee bowl empty. A hole in the cover, not very noticeable. I went into the passage in the morning, took the bowl so that no holes were visible. For nothing you can guess... I give a pass and I hear: "Open the bank please!", there is nowhere to go - I open. Together with the guard, we look into the bank, there is a bucket. Calcination - on the face of the guard did not shake a single muscle, without saying a single word, gave a pass. Guards are people too! Now I have a shredder, Eisenstein, and he lives in a transparent shredder drive.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna