— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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She approached a wide intersection and, without calculating the force, began to cross it on a flashing green. Just in the middle of the intersection the yellow was already burning and I finished crossing into the deep red. Not right? It is..."


Well, I will tell you in secret that the blinking green allows entry to the crossroads, the yellow entry to the crossroads is forbidden, but if you need to apply emergency braking to stop before the crossroads, then the yellow can be entered. And most importantly - if you have already gone to the intersection, then leave it in any direction you can and on the red lighting signal. And everyone is obliged not to start the movement until you leave the crossroads.

And haishniks love to catch on the banal ignorance of traffic rules and do the right thing.

So learn the rules, observe them and you won't have to get upset again. Good luck on the roads.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna