— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To the flight:
Lord, you forget that you live in a country of economic paradoxes. For example, we have 44 FZ, for which it is very difficult to steal 10 rubles, and it is very easy to steal a pre-million. And with the prices of aeroflot everything is simple, we have antimonopoly legislation in the country, but in the case of aeroflot, railway, railway it does not work, and even moreover, the government does everything that these organizations would not just dominate in their industry, but also be monopolists in it. In many countries, different offices directly engage in transportation, which compete with each other, and shut down the structure that is responsible for airports / railway stations. In our country, as in some other countries, the market system is based not on commodity-monetary relations, but on waste-out relations, which allows certain individuals to lobby laws for personal monopolization, and to repel the deputies for this, and this happens not only among monopolists of federal importance, but also among large private networks, such as the "anti-alcoholic" law - which in essence did not affect drunkenness, but limited the number of sellers on the market of both alcohol and other goods.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna