— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read this to a colleague sitting at a neighbor’s table (he lived in Khabarovsk for more than 10 years).
I made tea, went to smoke - a colleague is still sitting and chewing.
The average OFFICIAL SP in Khabarovsk for 2013 amounted to more than 30 tonnes.

Golubcik, your colleague in Khabarovsk accidentally did not compile official salary statistics, right? In our town, some clever man at the regional assembly that in the area the average salary was 20 pieces, so the hall was not that it was not rotting - he cried. Because in the hall there were teachers who had the real average in the regional center - exactly the same 10-12, about which the previous commentator wrote. In the village, there is a minimum of pleasure.
by PS. Reminds Goblin, who a couple of years ago in his trip to Spain met so many Russian vacationers that he sincerely stated that the opposition invented a devastating Russia.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna