— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Funny stories of young mothers

I went out for a walk with my two-month-old baby to the playground. I sit down, drink juice, read a journal, I do not touch anyone, but here the passers somehow crack. Half an hour later, the husband passed by and said, “Let’s go home, dear.” I looked in the mirror, and I was in bigodes. Large and varied!

I went to my friend’s birthday at a restaurant. All of herself - makeup, nails with straws (lipped at two nights), only from the house picked up a bag of garbage, and forgot to throw out. And hanged him on the door pen in the subway, where the last door. At the top, the pampers are worn out. No one said. It is good that when I came with him to buy flowers, the seller drew attention with a compressed voice. I went to the restaurant with flowers and butterflies.

It’s hard to count the tablespoons with the mixture, how many you’ve already put in a bottle. I found a way, while I put on, I count loudly. Approximately so: one-one-one, the second tablespoon I throw: two-two-two, etc. I sat down to drink tea, I think that this husband looks so strange at me... I pour sugar into a cup and say loudly with an expression: one-one-one... It is good that I was still at home, not in a cafe or guests.

I left a sleeping little girl on my husband and jumped out to the neighboring store for some nonsense like bread and milk. After a while, I realized that I was not enough to ride the cart here and there as a wheelchair, so I still tell her (the wheelchair) out loudly: "Now we will go, take my dad green apples, he loves them very much, and then we will go out there for milk..."

At first, she couldn’t wait for her daughter to fall asleep, and she fell asleep sitting on her arms while feeding. I wake up from the fact that she’s crying, I suck her chest, and she’s still sneezing, then I look, her head is on the other side, and I’m trying to feed.

- I go with my eldest daughter past the pond (her 9 years old), Max (1.5 years old) home with my dad.
I: This is a crackdown.
Anita is silent.
I: And you see, the dog ran out of AV.
Anna is silent.
I: This is a machine. How does the machine speak? The BB machine says.
Like in an anecdote.
Mama, who are you talking to?

A man comes from work and asks for tea. I quickly ran to the kitchen, made tea, poured it into a bottle on the machine and gave it to my husband.)))

We have a parrot at home, very handy and loves attention, but when dissatisfied with something bites a little. I took him on my arms, I talked to him, then something he didn’t like started bite. I immediately started pumping it, jumping it up and saying, “Tsss, quietly, it’s okay.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna