— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The former head of the Criminal Police of Lithuania Algirdas Matonis was stopped in March this year by the road police of Lithuania while driving a car in a drunk state.

Matonis, explaining his deed, said that on the day when he was stopped by the police, he met in the woods with a secret agent, who gave him information of state importance. During the meeting he and the agent drank home wine, and Matonis himself assured that he was not going to go anywhere, so he allowed himself to relax. However, the agent allegedly handed him concrete plans that Russia was about to attack Lithuania "as well as Ukraine". Supposedly, the agent told the whole story of the enemy’s prepared plan to destroy the sovereignty of Lithuania, and since the account, obviously, went not even for days, but for minutes, Matonis abandoned all his business and moved on his car to Vilnius, telling the leadership of the country about the insidious plan of neighboring unfriendly Russia. However, in Vilnius, he was stopped by the police and found drunk.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna