— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was in class at the 4th, we made bombs: you pour soda into a glass bubble under medicines, pour vinegar, clog with a traffic jamming, wrap with a lid, go away / throw away. The pressure breaks the bubble, and the grandmother gets.
Once I decided to improve the process: it is not convenient to deal with vinegar - it is liquid and it is uncomfortable to carry it to school. Even with smell.
So I replaced vinegar with lemonic acid - you can bring it to school in the form of a ready-made mixture of lemonic acid and soda, and then - just water from the crane to add.
And here I brought this yellow-white powder to school. I remind you, it was 198x year, no other powders this year in school could not be.
Classmates ask, what is it? And I take, and lick - it's such a powder, if you drink a little - then the temperature will rise slightly, and you can go home.
Five minutes later, I was persuaded to try the first one: I ate half a teaspoon. Another 15 minutes later he was with the school nurse, another 15 minutes later he was released home with an honest 37.5.
During the next two lessons, another five people dropped. Lydia Ivanovna checked the latter very carefully, from her point of view - an epidemic began in one of the classes: boys with a fever and without other symptoms.
Then I decided to remove it, and the powder didn’t work! It worked for everyone, but not for me. It was a shame... But I knew that there is no temperature from two banal food supplements. It did not work. This is self-indulgence.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna