— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My, by the way, at the age of 7 took birth from a rat - well, it wasn't an adult home, and a rat, pregnant with 12 children, could not reach the tail. The son, realizing that something was wrong here, got the book "Diseases of Dogs" from the shelf, found the section on obstetrics and gynecology and safely broke the fetal blisters, shaken the rats and placed the mommy under the nipples, and the mommy of the umbilical cord was chewing them. When I got home, I got six or seven. When the birth ended safely and we were able to translate the spirit, I began to find out from my son how he guessed the guide to apply. The answer was brief and logical: Dogs are mammals, rats too. Therefore, they should not be very different in the sense of birth!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna