— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am hysterical :D
I go to the bookstore, I stand, I look at the books. A consultant approaches me and says:
Young man, are you looking for something?
Yes, I say, the meaning of life.
She rounded her eyes, "Mmm", and went away.
Well, I went and went, I think, even well, and then it only works on the nerves when they look at how I choose=)
I am standing, looking, not touching anyone.
About ten minutes later, she comes back and says:
Sorry, but there is no meaning in life.
I can’t explain why I’m like an idiot. :D

And I can... "How" here is completely inappropriate. "The meaning of life" - the repeatedly encountered name of literary works, including: and a collection of works of virtually unknown now Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

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