— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123617
I’m always watching, in all the movies, GG runs somewhere, or even chases a supercriminal, the staircase begins, and... he begins to climb the stairs one by one, fast and fast. Oh fucking! When I was rushing to my friends for football as a child, I made one jump! I do not understand!! to

WOW: Only there to brake and turn. I jumped through the fence from the middle of the flight :) Also a flight by one jump

Zzz: If the curtains are connected at the turn, you can spread and overcome several floors, not touching the stairs at all with your feet, purely gaining speed, holding your hands for that very connective arc. Like a gravitational manoeuvre of the spacecraft... And if you missed or weakly grabbed – hello, wall!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №123616
Why do I often have pain after sex?
Give it up and give it a nice grandmother.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123615
My mother is a maths teacher at school, and she is also a speaker. He is present at all exams. Usually, on the day of the exam, he returns late. I returned from the exam in an hour.

Why so early? The exam cancelled?

I: - The Obezeshnik put all five at once and let go. In response to the general indignation, he replied that the subject was called the Fundamentals of Life Safety. Accordingly, those who are alive and healthy attached to the exam, five. No one argued.

You will not argue.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123614
When I was a child, I thought cremation was when you were lubricated with a cream. My mother did not appreciate my request to cremate me.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №123613
The case was 2 years ago. We decided with the girl to legalize our relationship, and decided that the painting will be on one day, directly celebrating - in another, in connection with which no one was invited except a few friends. And dressed accordingly - I in jeans, ceds, T-shirt, girl - in a summer dress.

We sit and wait until they call. Near the entrance crowds people 20-30, with a caravan and other attributes for painting.

Our time came - we went in, 2 minutes, put the signatures and left. On the faces of a smile, waving with a marriage certificate, we are heading to the way out under the blinking eyes of waiting people. In the back flies a tragic and sad “Why can’t we do that?” Wedding and heavy breath. I just stumbled. It is a pity how it happened to him...

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №123612
I have had an elevated vomiting reflex throughout my life.
My husband always dreamed of a mine, thinking that I was just not open enough.
One day I asked him to accompany me for fibrogastroscopy, to support me morally.
He agreed, and even went with me to the office, he himself tolerates this procedure quite easily. But watching how the nurse holds me tightly, and at this time I am shaken by vomiting urges, he could not, jumped out of the office. And I didn’t even immediately approach when the nurse took me out into the hallway and sat down on the couch.
It’s been about ten years, we’re together, but I haven’t heard of the talk about “disruption.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123611
I go to AliExpress. I find the masks from the film Hannibal O! very well. ! to I will buy a couple now.
This product has already been sold out...
I’ll go and check the door.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №123610
You have a login on Skype TraxenPoper.
Should I have an interview?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №123609
The challenge is to confirm death. I get dressed and start the work day. After five minutes, the call was rejected with the words: "No more, the corpse is alive."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №123608
When oil prices climbed to $130 in 2008, smart uncles on television and on the Internet said that the price of gasoline in our country is due to the rise in commodity prices. Okay, I thought, we’ll wait until oil prices go down. A year later, the price of oil dropped twice, and the same uncles began to say that gasoline in Russia is expensive, because of the fact that the price of gasoline in Russia is high. Oil companies are trying to cover the missing profits from selling oil abroad.

Last year, the price of oil fell even stronger and financial analysts said that gasoline rose due to the falling rate of the ruble. And recently the news is coming to the eye that in 2016 the ruble will continue to weaken and because of this will continue to increase the price of gasoline.

The latter is generally a universal scam: gasoline prices pull the prices for everything else, because of this there is inflation, because of which gasoline prices rise, and so it is possible to endlessly.

I am, of course, not an expert, but I think there is someone somewhere who gets money for inventing excuses for the steadily rising prices of gasoline in our country.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №123607
Once, when the cat Gavrila fell into depression, began to refuse to eat and communicate and even began to fall into starvation, our brilliant Moscow veterinarian Yulnykolovna said that it is harmful for cats to think a lot about life, and that if the face of the cat is too smart, then it is necessary to entertain him urgently, and do so until the face becomes stupid. It’s one of the wisest things I’ve ever heard in my life, because it works exactly the same with people.

Even Yulnykolovna then said that when Gavrila begins to eat again, he must be praised for it. And when it comes to licking after eating, also praise. When in the pot. When it slips out. Well, in general, it is fierce to react to any interest in his life.

Here is this second tip to us deliberately clinging, so guests periodically flatter when we turn together in the middle of a conversation to the roaring cat and the choir comment CAT!! You are eating! You are such a boy!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №123606
Q: By the way, why is Dimane called Jehovah’s Witness at work?
WOW:Dick he constantly runs with documents, coordinates all kinds of acts with various units, and this is when he for the tenth time in a day turns to the head of the OTC for a signature, who previously did not like a few inscriptions in the act, knocking on the door asks: "Peter Ivanitch, do you believe in God?"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123605
xxx: was in the Emergency Service, sent them seismologists
YYY : again?
XXX: Yes again
The people are fun and we are entertained.
YYY: What do they delight you this time?
XXX: Physical Activities
YYY :?
xxx: I had to jump near the seismic sensor to show the earthquake :-)
Since it is firmly attached to the concrete floor, all the soul and body mass had to be put into it.
and 3.5 balls!! to
Not my best result, but still.
Yes, you can make a great impression.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123604
Once these atoms arose in the very center of the star, they radiated energy and heated a piece of the universe.

Then I got into the cockpit that turned off my phone.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №123603
I recently took the subway to the escalator. The hour is peak, the crowd. There are two coins in the corner. One to the other:

and Sergey.

and Nea.

and Sergey.

and no.

Here the second looked at me, making 'under the sting' and a serious face

Your citizens and your documents.

I get my passport. He looks at the book, then on the face and with a pleasant sight to another:

I have lost!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №123602
XXX: It is not worth putting on the broadcast.

Well, for example, when my car was set on fire, the starter turned on itself. Probably the starter is closed. And since the car was standing on the transmission, she, embracing the flame, climbed into a bunch of other cars and set them on fire.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123601
You tell me that the salvia smoked.
The salad? Is it how?
So, the salmon is interpreting. The root is more accurate - and it gets a type of paste. So if you smoke it, you fall into a wild trance - you start to communicate with spirits or you feel like a tree you will turn into.
Starring what are you becoming?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123600
I’m always watching, in all the movies, G.G. runs somewhere, or even chases a supercriminal, the ladder begins, and... he begins to climb the stairs one by one, quickly and quickly. Oh fucking! When I was rushing to my friends for football as a child, I made one jump! I do not understand!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123599
I work in a taxi "Friends", I come to the address, a man comes out, just in the mouth, he barely moves his mouth, sits down, says the address, on the way, a drunken nonsense about his life crashes into my ear. They arrived:

I: 300 r

Man: No, I usually go here for 200 r!

I: Have you called another taxi service before?

How is your service called?

I am “Friends”

You guys, you guys are friends!

It gives 200 r and leaves with a rolling walk.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №123598
I have heard so much about cats.
And you come in visit to the catwives, who two months ago brought the "mimimimimimimimimishnyj" and you hear: "Oh, you were wooled! Once again you will scratch on my chair, the cattle whirling, I will push you around the basket and into the basket for an hour, to think about my behavior!and "
I got it in 5 minutes.)
Kosharium - Aquarium without water up the bottom

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna